[Seuphor, Michel]

Soleil avec cinq eaux-fortes

La Tortue, Paris, 1971. Paperback, 10×6.5”. Condition: Fine. A softcover portfolio of 5 original etchings, individually incased (loose, protected with tissue) in folders printed (letterpress) with poetry. The edition is limited to thirty five copies for both the text and for the etchings, or thirty copies numbered from 1 to 30. This copy numbered 26. Each etching is signed and numbered 26/30. Etching plates were produced by George Leblanc. Michel Seuphor (1901–1999) was a writer, poet, art critic, and artist; born Fernand Berckelaers and adopted the pseudonym ‘Seuphor,’ an anagram for Orpheus, in 1917. From 1922, Seuphor moved at the heart of the European avant-garde in Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam, and Paris, and spent time with pioneers of Cubism, Dada, Futurism, Constructivism, and Neo-Plasticism, including Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Piet Mondrian, Fernand Léger, Hans Arp, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, and Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Gino Severini, and Joaquin Torrès-Garcia. 7 numbered folders, encased in a custom-made, cloth-bound clam-shell box. (#KC15882) $950.00

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