[Seuphor, Michel]

Soleil avec cinq eaux-fortes

La Tortue, Paris, 1971. Paperback, 10×6.5”. Condition: Fine. A softcover portfolio of 5 original etchings, individually incased (loose, protected with tissue) in folders printed (letterpress) with poetry. The edition is limited to thirty five copies for both the text and for the etchings, or thirty copies numbered from 1 to 30. This copy numbered 26. Each etching is signed and numbered 26/30. Etching plates were produced by George Leblanc. Michel Seuphor (1901–1999) was a writer, poet, art critic, and artist; born Fernand Berckelaers and adopted the … Read More

Salvador Dali

VOGUE, Décembre 1971–Janvier 1972, No. 522

Condé Nast, Paris. Highly sought-after special issue of VOGUE with cover designed by Salvador Dali, who also served as the guest editor; published on the fiftieth anniversary of the magazine. From the interior “Dali takes the totalitarian responsibility of the 1971 edition of Vogue which, to differentiate itself from all the others, is called, this one and only time Vogué.” For the cover, Dali manipulates a photograph of Marilyn Monroe by Philippe Halsman (Magnum) to make her appear as Mao Zedong. The back cover features another … Read More

[Beckett, Samuel; et al.]

Our Exagmination Round His Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress by Samuel Beckett, Marcel Brion, Frank Budgen, Stuart Gilbert, Eugene Jolas, Victor Llona, Robert McAlmon, Thomas MacGreevy, Elliot Paul, John Rodker, Robert Sage, William Carlos Williams

Shakespeare and Company, Sylvia Beach, Paris, 1929. A collection of critical essays on James Joyce’s book Finnegans Wake, published 10 years prior to the publication of the finished novel. Includes two ‘letters of protest’ from G.V.L. Slingsby and Vladimir Dixon. Stuart Gilbert and Sylvia Beach believed that Joyce wrote the second letter of protest himself. One of the final pages states ‘96 copies of this book have been printed on verge d’arches numbered 1-96’, this copy not numbered. 7.25×5.25”, 194 pp. Fair softcover, original wrappers removed … Read More

Photographs of Early Automobiles

[automobiles; cars and trucks; combustion engine; Seldon, George Baldwin; Ford, Henry]. Group of photographs and ephemera relating to automotive pioneer George Baldwin Selden. This collection includes (1) a family photo album depicting Selden circa 1885; (2) a carte-de-visite of Selden circa 1871; (3) three handsome mounted albumen photographs circa 1910, presumably depicting Selden cars; (4) a later photograph of a Selden motor truck; (5) a photostat copy of a legal illustration, “Comparative Scale Drawings of Selden Vehicle”; and (6) a 1920 company pamphlet titled “Yesterday Today … Read More

Early Printed Leaves, Illustrating Jean La Fontaine

LA FONTAINE, Jean (1621-1695). Six printed leaves of Jean La Fontaine, “Fables, English and French” London: J. Murray, 1820. Text in French and English on opposite pages. Six half page engraved illustrations for Fable I: The Cat and the Cock; II: The Ass, Ape and the Mole; IV: The Rats; V: The Two Dogs; XII: The Ape and the Dolphin, and XVII: The Old Man and Death. (Size: 190 x 125mm). Very Good+.  (#EPL45) $120.00   This item is from a larger collection of incunable and … Read More

Cats, Jacob

Early Printed Leaves

CATS, Jacob (1577-1660). Five printed leaves from Jacob Cats, “Proteus Ofte Minne-Beelden Verandert In Sinne-Beelden” Rotterdam: Pieter van Waesberge, 1627. This edition also has French translations. Including, “Et in Aequore Flamma est XV, O prodga rerum luxuries! XXXIII”, “Amor formae condimentum III,” “Nemo dolens patet libidini L,” and “Quod dolet intus habet VII “as the characteristic round engravings. One hole affecting ‘Flamma’ some brittle edges or stains (Size: 225 x 220mm). Very Good+. (#EPL42) $175.00   This is one item from a large collection of incunable … Read More

16th-century Man-Eating Fish!

EARLY MODERN ITALIAN LEAF. Single leaf, “p. 891,” from an Italian History Chronicle with woodcuts for heraldry of Norway. Monstrous man-eating fish of Norway, and two other scenes of architecture and seafaring. 16th century. (Size: 300 x 200mm). Fine. (#EPL24) $200.00   This is one item from a large collection of incunable and early printed leaves.  If you’d like to see the full list, please inquire.

Journey on the S. S. Manchuria — A Photo Album

[travel]. S. S. Manchuria — Unique Photo Album of Manila, Rangoon, Penang, Singapore, Java, Seoul, Hawaii, California, and Arizona. Morocco over flexible boards, “Photographs” stamped in gilt on upper board, bound with thin black rope; oblong (approx. 8-by-6 inches); contains more than 150 black leaves, each with a b/w photograph (silver gelatin print) affixed to the recto and labelled by hand, in white ink. (Photos, occasionally, are attached to the verso as well. Nearly 200 photographs total. Average photo size is about 4.75-by-3.5 inches.) Boards scuffed … Read More

Cyanotypes of New Bedford

Cyanotypes of New Bedford. Massachusetts, c. 1900. Six heavy cardstock leaves (oblong, 280 x 200 mm), bound with ribbon. “New Bedford” in calligraphic handwriting on first (cover) leaf; the remaining 5 leaves with tipped-on cyanotypes (173 x 120 mm), captioned in ink in the bottom margin. Front and rear cover a bit foxed, else fine. Beautiful views, beautifully printed, they include: Purchase Street City Block; City Library, William and Pleasant Street; Union Street Looking East; Orchard Street, Looking South; The Wharf and Dismantled Whalers. An elegant … Read More

[photo album]

Early Selfie

Early-20th Century Photo Album: Camping, Girls, a Selfie, and More. perhaps, California, c. 1910. Wraps; oblong (254x174mm); contains 31 b/w or sepia photographs (silver prints), nicely arranged, mounted to the recto and verso of disbound cardstock leaves. Sizes range from about 72x55mm to 116x95mm. Slight wave to the leaves and a few images (likely due to the adhesive). Includes some very pretty landscapes, and images of people canoeing. Also guys gathered at their campsite, and portraits of (perhaps) the ladies that interest them. The final page … Read More

[photo album]

Epic Picnickers!

Early-20th Century Photo Album of Epic Picnickers. America (likely northeastern United States), c. 1900-1910. Heavy cardstock wraps; oblong (205 x 145 mm); contains 25 b/w photographs (110 x 70 mm, with thin white border) attached to the recto and verso of black leaves, via silver photo-corners (and, as such, removable). Images of a group of men, women, and children who appear to travel from one scenic location to another, picnicking, and generally having a most excellent time. Their car is prominently featured, and a few images … Read More

Signed by Andy Warhol

Interview Magazine

Warhol, Andy; [Ringwald, Molly]. Interview: Vol. XV, No. 8, August 1985. New York: Interview Enterprises, 1985. Original staple-bound wraps, full-color illustrated portrait of Molly Ringwald on the front cover; pp. 142, images in b/w and full-color throughout. Signed by Warhol on the front cover. Spine tips and corners very gently rubbed, else fine. Generous with the delights of American culture in the 1980s: Mimi Rogers, Miranda Richardson, Katrina and the Waves (“Walkin’ on Sunshine”), Joni Mitchell, Rupert Everett modeling menswear, Miami Vice, Tama Janowitz — and … Read More

Denham, Sir John

Poems and Translations with the Sophy

DENHAM, Sir John (1615-1669). Poems and Translations with the Sophy. London: Printed [by John Macocke] for H. Herringman, 1668. First Edition. First edition of a Spenserian poetic work by Denham, a “father of English poetry” containing the scarce bound in errata leaf. 2 volumes in one, 8vo (163 x 105mm). [4], 186pp., [4]; [4], 97pp, [Epilogue on verso]. Errata leaf [N6] present. Separately titled for “The destruction of Troy” and “The Sophy” (both 1667). Three quarter calf over marbled paper covered boards, spine with red morocco … Read More

Direxit, Benard (engravings)

Planche 74 de Buffon’s “Histoire Naturelle” — Le Pentadactyle, Le Poisson de Paradis, L’Emoi

Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de; Direxit, Benard (engravings); [hand-colored engraved plate]. Planche 74 de Buffon’s “Histoire Naturelle” — Le Pentadactyle, Le Poisson de Paradis, L’Emoi. Paris, c. 1780. Hand-colored engraving by Direxit, on small 4to sheet (215 x 289 mm). Suitable for display, with nice, bright colors. Fine. (#D8921) $100.00 We have a few different plates from “Histoire Naturelle,” all equally lovely, so please keyword search (“Direxit”) our inventory if you’re interested in a particular fish!

Teschemacher, Erich; Teschemacher-Renner, Marga

Archive of Original Advertising, Poster, Graphic, and (Some) Typographic Designs

[original artwork; graphic designs]; Teschemacher, Erich (b. 1886); Teschemacher-Renner, Marga. Archive of Original Advertising, Poster, Graphic, and (Some) Typographic Designs. [Berlin and Charlottenburg], [mostly 1920s-1930s]. Custom linen box, gilt-stamped lettering (“Werbeentwürfe – E. Teschemacher”) in brown leather label affixed to front board; about 16 x 20 inches; contains mock-ups, preliminary and finished illustrations and designs for houses, advertisements, bookplates, letterheads, calendars, announcements, and more — even hand-painted decorative motifs in Art Nouveau-style. Various sizes, on paper, heavy cardstock, and onionskin; and in ink, pencil, or full-color … Read More

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel

La Increible y Triste Historia de la Candida Erendira y de su Abuela Desalmada

Garcia Marquez, Gabriel. La Increible y Triste Historia de la Candida Erendira y de su Abuela Desalmada. Mexico: Editorial Hermes, 1972. First Mexican Edition. Illustrated wraps. Inscribed by Garcia Marquez and dated 1980. Very Good+.  (#D1074) $1,500.00

Summers, Montague

The Werewolf

Summers, Montague. The Werewolf. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., 1933. First Edition. Publisher’s cloth, gilt-stamped lettering on spine; dust jacket printed in green and blue; pp. xiv, 307, plus 8 plates. Spine tips and edges of boards gently bumped; text block faintly foxed; ownership signature on FFEP. Scarce dust jacket in excellent condition, just a little rubbed and age-toned, with a few tiny closed tears or chips at spine tips and along edges of rear panel; presents very nicely in mylar. The author of … Read More

Huge Collection of Sheet Music, Published 1900s-1970s

More than 700 pieces, spanning decades! The bulk are published in New York, Chicago, Detroit, and London, but also include Rome, Hollywood, San Francisco, and beyond, from 1900 to the 1970s, with a large selection from the 1920s-1940s. Composers include Harold Adamson, Mack Gordon, Vincent Youmans, Irving Berlin, Lew Brown, Alfred Bryan, Sammy Cahn, B. G. De Sylva, Ray Henderson, Al Dubin, Arthur Freed, Nacio Herb Brown, George and Ira Gershwin, Oscar Hammerstein, Richard Rodgers, Otto Harbach, Paul Francis Webster, Gus Kahn, Edgar Leslie, Sam Lewis, … Read More

The Sea Chase, Los Angeles, 1955 Film Plans and Storyboards

Farrow, John (dir.); Bechelin, Franz (art dir.). The Sea Chase. Los Angeles, 1955. Original artwork and storyboards; two volumes (binders). Blue cloth over boards (295 x 250 mm), 3-ring binders, containing original pen and ink and pencil drawings on onion skin paper, plus photographs and notes for the film. One binder contains the original bold, tense drawings — beautifully carried out — breaking the film down into a compelling graphic novel, marking out long shots, choreographing fight sequences, and more. The second binder contains b/w photographs … Read More

MERTEN, Oscar (fl. 1875); [Edison, Thomas]

Éléments de Philosophie Populaire

Par O. Merten, Professor de Philosophie a L’université De Gand [Also, “Éléments de Philosophie Morale,” and a hand-colored diagram of Thomas Edison’s newly invented light bulb]. Namur: Librairie de Ad. Wesmael-Charlier, 1876. Mid 19th-century maroon cloth, spine lettered in gilt; (extensive underlining to text, lightly toned at edges). Near Fine. 12mo (171 x 108mm). 144pp., bound with 81 numbered pages of dense manuscript transcription of Merten’s later publication Éléments de Philosophie Morale which was published in two volumes in 1884 and 1885. The manuscript is in … Read More

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