Graveurs Juifs Contemporains; Estampes, Livres; Exposition du 15 Mars au 15 Avril, 1953, Musée d’Art Juif

Paris, 8pp., 5.5 x 8.5″. An uncommon, exhibition checklist featuring ninety artists (many with birth and death dates and locations) and their Print and Book contributions for the important “Contemporary Jewish Engravers” exhibition at the Musée d’Art Juif, Paris, 1953. The museum was established in 1948 in the Montmartre district of Paris as an homage to the Jewish culture destroyed by the Holocaust. Modern Jewish artists include but not limited to: Leopold Gottlieb, Leopold Gottlieb, Max Liebermann, Camillo Pissaro, Henri Berlewi, MarcChagall, Henri Gotlieb, Edmond Kayser, Jacob Steinhardt and many others. A very good, fragile, stapled paper checklist. Bookseller Inventory # KC16054


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