[Van Doesburg, Theo]

Drie Voordrachten Over De Nieuwe Beeldende Kunst [Three Lectures on the New Visual Arts], Theo van Doesburg and L. Simons, Haar Ontwikkeling, Aesthetisch Beginsel en Toekomstigen Stijl

Maatschappij voor Goede en Goedkoope Lectuur. 104pp., Dutch, 4.5 x 6.5″, hardcover illustrated with 39 black and white plates from modern art and architecture luminaries such as: Pablo Picasso, Gino Severini, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Vilmos Huszár, Theo van Doesburg, Alexander Archipenko, Georges Vantongerloo, Constantin Brancusi, Frank Lloyd Wright, Bart van der Leck, J. J. P. Oud, Jans Wils, and many others. The red and green cover design and black, decorative frame on the title page are designed by A. C. Berlage (Anna Catharina Berlage). This seminal text publishes Dutch artist and De Stijl co-founder, Theo van Doesburg’s three important lectures on the new modern art; developing arguments, which led to new principles in the modern plastic arts and architecture: I.) The Development of Modern Art; II.) The Aesthetic Principle of Modern Art; and III.) The Style of the Future. A very good copy of a fragile book with nearly fine illustrated boards and some light stains early and late with the last page starting to pull from the binding yet still intact. DE STIJL. Bookseller Inventory # KC15842


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