Teschemacher, Erich; Teschemacher-Renner, Marga

Archive of Original Advertising, Poster, Graphic, and (Some) Typographic Designs

[original artwork; graphic designs]; Teschemacher, Erich (b. 1886); Teschemacher-Renner, Marga. Archive of Original Advertising, Poster, Graphic, and (Some) Typographic Designs. [Berlin and Charlottenburg], [mostly 1920s-1930s]. Custom linen box, gilt-stamped lettering (“Werbeentwürfe – E. Teschemacher”) in brown leather label affixed to front board; about 16 x 20 inches; contains mock-ups, preliminary and finished illustrations and designs for houses, advertisements, bookplates, letterheads, calendars, announcements, and more — even hand-painted decorative motifs in Art Nouveau-style. Various sizes, on paper, heavy cardstock, and onionskin; and in ink, pencil, or full-color painting. Some duplicates, but well over 100 distinct designs. Highlights include full-color paintings for Tiergarten Nuremberg (a tiger’s face), Aerozon Fabrik, women’s swimwear; and ink drawings for Minimax (“Das Schönste Geschenk!”), Moton (a pesticide), Rapsch, Kriegsbund der Offizierfrauen. Numerous pencil drawings range from hastily brain-stormed sketches, to typographic experiments, and detailed streetscapes and scenes. Some projects are available from start to finish — a pencil sketch, turned presentation in ink, and the final printed product.  Fine.

Erich Teschemacher was an architect, painter, poster artist, and graphic designer, educated at Unterrichtsanstalt des Kunstgewerbemuseums in Berlin. He was married to the commercial artist Marga Renner, and echoes of her resonate in this collection as well: a notebook of 10 embroidery designs in pencil and color, and two different exhibition announcments for a show of modern residential interiors. (#D7114) $6,000.00

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