[Vit zslav, Nezval]

Karneval. Romaneto [Carneval: A Novela]

A black and white photomontage cover design with red lettering by “A. Don” (a pseudonym for Jindrich Styrsky), with a title page designed by Karel Teige and Otakar Mrkvicka. 7.75×5.5″, 104pp. Original printed wrappers with only lightly worn edges of the covers; small splits and light wear to the spine head/heel. CZECH SURREALISM. Bookseller Inventory # KC15836 $300.00

[Breton, Andre and Tanguy, Yves]


Portfolio of twenty reproduction sheets of drawings by Tanguy and handwritten texts by Breton (front and back) on Canson colored paper. Series had been presented to Pierre Matisse and was not initially intended to be published. This faithful reproduction work (including pasted date labels) was completed as a facsimile on May 15, 1963 by Daniel Jacomet, Paris; 250 copies were produced. The first twenty-two justified in Roman numerals, include an autograph text by Andre Breton and an original drawing by Yves Tanguy. This copy number XLIX … Read More

L’Architecture Vivante, Publie un Fascicule a Chaque Saison de L’Année, Editions Albert Morancé, Paris, Numero 9, Sommaire du Fascicule D’Automne, 1925

Published in France from 1923 to 1932, by Albert Morancé, publisher and Jean Badovici, architect, L’Architecture Vivante is France’s first periodical to focus on avant-garde architecture (De Stijl, Constructivism.). This issue focuses exclusively on Dutch De Stijl with three French language texts as loose, folded yet uncut sheets: Les Constructivistes by Jean Badovici; L’Architecture Future Neo-Plasticienne by Piet Mondrian and L’Evolution de L’Architecture Moderne en Hollande by Theo Van Doesburg. The original, half cloth portfolio includes a total of 25 individual black and white leaves (4 … Read More

Search Versus Re-Search: Three Lectures by Josef Albers at Trinity College April 1965

Albers’ lectures [among his last public talks] are accompanied by more than 50 black and white illustrations and 6 color plates including 3 tipped-in screen prints. This copy includes the “Ex Libris” bookplate on the inside cover; Arthur A. Cohen and Elaine Lustig Cohen’s legendary bookstore and gallery specializing in early 20th century European avant-garde books, magazines, and periodicals. 10.25×8.75″, 85 pp. A near fine book and a very good dust jacket with light wear near the edges, a small tear to the top left corner … Read More

[El Lissitzky, Molnár, Schlemmer, Picasso, Leger, et al]

Rozto ené jevišt , úvahy o novém divadle [The Spinning Stage. Thoughts on the New Theatre]

Jind ich Honzl, Odeon, Praha, 1925, 184pp., 5.25 x 7.5″. Front cover photomontage by Štýrský [Jind ich] & Toyen [Marie ermínová] with interior graphic design by Karel Teige. Illustrated with work by: Lissitzky, Molnár, Schlemmer, Picasso, Leger and many others. Very good original printed wrappers with some soiling and lightly worn edges; a 2.5″ split and light wear to the spine head/heel. Some pages loose but complete. CZECH AVANT-GARDE. Rare. Bookseller Inventory # KC15849 $500.00

[Van Doesburg, Theo]

Drie Voordrachten Over De Nieuwe Beeldende Kunst [Three Lectures on the New Visual Arts], Theo van Doesburg and L. Simons, Haar Ontwikkeling, Aesthetisch Beginsel en Toekomstigen Stijl

Maatschappij voor Goede en Goedkoope Lectuur. 104pp., Dutch, 4.5 x 6.5″, hardcover illustrated with 39 black and white plates from modern art and architecture luminaries such as: Pablo Picasso, Gino Severini, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Vilmos Huszár, Theo van Doesburg, Alexander Archipenko, Georges Vantongerloo, Constantin Brancusi, Frank Lloyd Wright, Bart van der Leck, J. J. P. Oud, Jans Wils, and many others. The red and green cover design and black, decorative frame on the title page are designed by A. C. Berlage (Anna Catharina Berlage). This … Read More

[Stein, Gertrude]

An Elucidation by Gertrude Stein Printed in Transition. April, 1927

An offprint from the experimental literary journal Transition, No. 1 (Paris), issued to subscribers as a correction to the version originally published. From the introduction by Elliot Paul: “Since, unfortunately, the version of Miss Gertrude Stein’s ‘An Elucidation’ printed in the April number of Transition, while containing the correct words, presented them in the wrong order (through an inadvertence in the printing establishment), the text has been rearranged and is offered as a supplement.” 7.75×5.5″, 16pp. Spine split (repaired with tape) and staples removed with brittle, … Read More

[Van Doesburg, Theo]

De Nieuwe Beweging in de Schilderkunst [The New Movement in Painting], Theo van Doesburg, Uitgegeven door de Tecnische Boekhandel en Drukkerij

J. Waltman Jr., Delft, Netherlands. 68pp. plus covers, 6.25 x 9.5″, stiff wrappers with 44pp. in Dutch text and illustrated with 21 black and white plates (one per page on different stock) from modern artists including: Henri Matisse, Jan Toorop, Bart van der Leck, Wassily Kandinsky, Marc Chagall, Gino Severini, Theo van Doesburg, Pablo Picasso, Piet Mondrian, Alexander Archipenko, Vilmos Huszár and others. An early, seminal text on modern art and the new movement in painting by the pioneering Dutch artist and De Stijl co-founder, Theo … Read More

Écran-Écrin. Les livres d’Andy Warhol (The books of Andy Warhol)

Catalog for exhibition organized by Patricia Dupuy and Lucien Desalmand, February 15 – March 10, 2000. A charming design with a cover shaped as a handbag with a handle shapedlike a banana. 2 booklets mounted on the inside cover. Limited to 600 copies. This copy numbered 92/600 and signed by “LD”. Includes two invitations for the exhibition, die-cut in the shapes of footsteps. Cover is 12×9.5″, booklets are 8×8″. Bookseller Inventory # KC15886 $100.00

[Barthelme, Donald]

The Emerald

Published in a limited edition of 330; paper is arches mouldmade; designed by Grant Dahlstrom; illustrated by Barthelme; printed at the Castle Press. Green foil-stamped black-cloth hardcover. This is a signed presentation copy, inscribed by Barthelme to ElaineLustig Cohen and Arthur Cohen: “For Elaine and Arthur / Love / Don / 15 June 1981”.9.75×6.5″, 40pp. As New. SIGNED/PRESENTATION COPY. Bookseller Inventory # KC15800 $100.00

[Jolas, Eugene, et al.]

Testimony against Gertrude Stein, February 1935

Short texts by Georges Braque, Eugene Jolas, Maria Jolas, Henri Matisse, Andre Salmon & Tristan Tzara. Published with the emperimental literary journal Transition, No. 23. A fascinating account of the Modernist period in Paris from its key figures. From the introduction by Eugene Jolas “Miss Gertrude Stein’s memoirs, published last year under the title of Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, having brought about a certain amount of controversial comment, Transition has opened its pages to several of those she mentions who, like ourselves, find that the … Read More

Tea Types: An Opera by Peter Shire

Los Angeles, 1980, 1st Edition. Signed by the artist – from a limited edition of 175, this is copy number 11. Using movable type ornaments and elements, artist Peter Shire meticulously illustrates 25 single-page compositions into teapots, each with its’ own caption. Includes an introduction by Brian L. Nerone. 8.5×6.25″, 64pp. A fine black linen hardcover enclosed in a fine slipcase with letterpress printed pages; a handsome production. Bookseller Inventory # KC15865 $100.00

[Schmidt, Hans]

Steiniges. Variationen zu einem Satz von Gertrude Stein

Self-published, Offenbach. Printed in a limited edition of 20, this copy signed on the last page. Designed using woodcuts as typography, appears to say “What is it” or “What is it” throughout. Hans Schmidt (1923–) was typographer, graphic and book designer who studied lettering and book design at the Leipzig Akademie für Buchgewerbe und Graphik; also studied typesetting, printing, bookbinding and woodcuts. Schmidt taught typography at theLandeskunstschule für Buchgewerbe, Mainz and book design and lettering at the Hochschule für Gestaltung, Offenbach. Many of his books and … Read More

[Munari, Bruno]

Sipario, La Rivista del Teatro e del Cinema, Ivo Chiesa, Milano, Anno IV, No. 44

Sipario, La Rivista del Teatro e del Cinema, Ivo Chiesa, Milano, Anno IV, No. 44, Dicembre, Natale 1949, 136pp., 8 x 11″. Illustrated with 8 full-page, black and white Bruno Munariphotomontage/collages (Il teatro dei registi; Il teatro di rivista; Il teatro col cuore in mano; Il teatro dialettale; Il cinema gangster; Il cinema psicanalitico; Il cinema a fumetti; and Il cinema neorealista. A very good, vintage magazine with mild wear to the spine, andfront/back covers. The Munari interior pages are clean and bright. Bookseller Inventory # … Read More

[Hausmann, Raoul[

Material 2, Riqus +, Raoul Hausmann. Marthe Prevot, Edition Copie Verlag Zweitschrift

With a German introduction by Uta Brandes and Michael Erlhoff. Published in an edition of 500 copies made from an original edition discovered in Hausmann’s house and dated February 23, 1959. 7.75 x 8.25″, 21pp., text in German, printed recto only. A fine copy with thick black wrappers bound using two brass fasteners. ARTIST’S BOOK. Bookseller Inventory # KC15834 $85.00

Programma 20, Herdenkingsavond Auschwitz, January 28, 1965, folded-once, 6.75 x 9.75″

This two-color program published for a musical evening commemorating the twenty-yearliberation of Auschwitz. Interior includes list of musicians and performances: M. Mossel, Anny Schuitema, Jewgeni Mogilewski, I. Zadoks and Siawa Pzrybylska. A striking cover design with bold red, black and white modern typography designed by the avant-garde, Dutch modernist, graphic, furniture and architectural designer Paul Schuitema (1897-1973). Bookseller Inventory # KC16053 $50.00

[Byars, James Lee]

The Philosophical Palace, Palast der Philosophie

Städtische Kunsthalle Düsseldorf, 1986. Hardcover embossed in gold with a drawing by Byars. James Lee Byars (1932–1997) was an artist specializing in installation sculpture and in performance art. This catalog published on the occasion of his exhibition at the KunsthalleDüsseldorf. 10×7″, 148pp, Text in German and English, full-color illustrations. Fine, as new, in gold slipcase with very minor scratches. Bookseller Inventory # KC15883 $225.00

[Kallai, Ernst]

Neue Malerei in Ungarn [New Painting in Hungary], Ernst Kállai (1890–1954)

80 pp., 6.25 x 8.75″. With 124 pp. of German text and 83 black and white illustrations (mostly one per page) featuring pioneers associated with the modern Hungarian art including: Valerie Denes, Alexander Galimberti, Aurél Bernáth, Béla Kádár, Bertalan Pór, Wilhelm Huszár, László Moholy-Nagy, Alfréd Forbát, Ludwig Kassák, Ladislaus Peri, Alexander Bortnyik and many others. Title pages and book design by László Moholy-Nagy, Bauhaus, Dessau. Kállai, a Hungarian art historian was a colleague of Kandinsky, editor of the Bauhaus journal and contributed to a variety of … Read More

Two fragile brochures related to the important German, Magdeburg Theatre Exhibition in which the Bauhaus Dessau participated during a period in the 1920’s whenMagdeburg, Germany was considered a model city of modernity forarchitecture, housing construction and social awareness

1) Die Deutsche Theater-Ausstellung Magdeburg 1927. Eine Schilderung ihrerEntstehung und ihres Verlaufes. Mitteldeutschen Ausstellungsgesellschaft M.B.H., Magdeburg 1928, 8.25 x 11.75″, German text, folded once with heavy tape repair, some covering two lines of the text block, with toning and several light folds throughout. Textrelated to the history of the Magdeburg theatre and more including five black and white photographs: The Theatre of Dionysus, an experimental building at the Bauhaus in Dessau, a set design for August Strindbergs, The Great Highway designed by Ludwig Sievert andmore. Printed … Read More

Graveurs Juifs Contemporains; Estampes, Livres; Exposition du 15 Mars au 15 Avril, 1953, Musée d’Art Juif

Paris, 8pp., 5.5 x 8.5″. An uncommon, exhibition checklist featuring ninety artists (many with birth and death dates and locations) and their Print and Book contributions for the important “Contemporary Jewish Engravers” exhibition at the Musée d’Art Juif, Paris, 1953. The museum was established in 1948 in the Montmartre district of Paris as an homage to the Jewish culture destroyed by the Holocaust. Modern Jewish artists include but not limited to: Leopold Gottlieb, Leopold Gottlieb, Max Liebermann, Camillo Pissaro, Henri Berlewi, MarcChagall, Henri Gotlieb, Edmond Kayser, … Read More

[Williams, Emmett and Wasmuth, Tom]

The Boy and the Bird

Köln–London–Reykjavik. Number 34 of 350 numbered copies. Printed recto only with one poem per page with geometric illustrations by Wasmuth. “The cover photograph illustrates the intention of the artist . to realize this intention the reader may cut out the black area of each page and remove the cover photograph.” 9×9″, 90pp. This copy is uncut and near fine with aspiral binding and stiff illustrated covers; lacking its original cellophane. Some rubbing on interior pages mostly ink transfer on opposing pages. ARTIST’S BOOK, FLUXUS. Bookseller Inventory … Read More


“Manifest” gegen den Avantgardismus; “Manifesto” Against Avantgardism

Panderma, edited by Carl Laszlo, Basel, March 1958. Ephemera, 11 X 16.5”. Condition: Near Fine. The quarter fold poster/broadside is printed in German, French and English with black ink on an orange colored stock. Authored by Carl Laszlo (1923–2013, Hungarian), a publisher, art dealer, collector and psychoanalyst the manifesto is Laszlo’s important work, “his simple but proud contribution to the sovereign nothingness of his time” and claims: “We separate ourselves from any retrogressive tendencies, but declare war against avantgardistic stagnation. The present avantgardism with its dusty … Read More

Futura 1

Mathias Goeritz, Die Goldene Botschaft, Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 1965. Ephemera, 6.25 x 9.5”. Condition: Very Good. Folded broadside with printing in black ink on recto only (eight panels when laid flat, 25 x 18.75”) and a German text artist biography. Light toning and a hint of handling. (#KC15878) $100.00

[Buczak, Brian; Evans, Andrea; Hendricks, Geoffrey; Melamed, Brad (editors)]

Black & White

Money For Food Press, New York, 1982. Ephemera, 11×8.5”. Condition: Near Fine. Rare Fluxus Artist’s book gathering 36 important artists including Lawrence Weiner, Brian Buczak, Ray Johnson, Laurie Anderson, Geoffrey Hendricks, Nancy Spero, and Andy Warhol, among others. Table of Contents states “one hundred copies of ‘Black & White’ were assembled July 2, 1982.” Book is arranged as: front cover with original collage, table of contents, 39 loose sheets (artworks), stiff board as a back cover; includes a pumping rod plastic binder clip to hold the … Read More

Semi-Colon, Vol. 1, No. 3

Edited by John Bernard Myers, Tibor De Nagy Gallery, 206 East 53rd Street, New York, NY, c. 1954,. Ephemera, 8.5 x 11”, single sheet folded once to make four pages; with black ink printed on all sides on a neutral colored stock. Condition: Near Fine. From its inception in 1950, Meyer’s (1920–1987) directed the Tibor De Nagy Gallery until 1970; famous for invigorating New York School’s second generation of painters. Semi-Colon was Myers little-known poetry broadside (or “newspaper” as he called it) published from c. 1953–1956 … Read More

[Schmidt, Georg]

Sophie Taeuber–Arp

Holbein–Verlag, Basel, 1948. Hardcover, 152pp., 8.5 x 12”.. Condition: Very Good. First Edition. Warmly inscribed on the front free endpaper in black ink/marker: “To Herbert [Herbert Bayer] – Christmas ’–48 with Love + affection from Walter [Walter Paepcke] + Pussy [Elizabeth Paepcke]”. Heavily illustrated with black and white and some color including two, hand-printed colored lithographs bound in: “Six espaces distincts” and “Composition dans un cercle”. Book design by Max Bill, Zurich. A nearly fine, original blue cloth hardcover with a small split to the heel … Read More

Max Ernst, 30 years of his work: A survey: The Copley Galleries, January 10–February 20, 1949

Exhibition Catalog. William Nelson Copley, Beverly Hills, CA, 1949. Hardcover. Condition: Near Fine. A limited-edition catalog published on the occasion of the exhibition with an introduction extracts by André Breton and Piet Mondrian and divided into two sections. The first section “At Eye Level” includes poems and comments alongside captions and illustrations translated to English from: Joe Bousquet, Paul Eluard, Dorothea Tanning, Benjamin Peret, Rene Crevel, Robert Desnos and Nicolas Calas. The second section “Paramyths” printed on blue stock includes eight new poems each with an … Read More

[Munari, Bruno]

Il Quadrato [The Square]

All’Insigna del Pesce d’Oro, Milano; Wittenborn and Company, New York; Eric Diefenbronner, Stockholm; and Die Quadrat-Bucher im Tschudy-Verlag, St. Gallen; 1960. Paperback, 88pp., 6 x 6”. Condition: Very Good. Edited by Vanni Scheiwiller and Piero Draghi. Edition of 3000 copies printed in Italy. Uncommon first Italian edition with Italian text including a 20 pp. tissue stapled supplement with English translations. Very good softcover with light handling and soiling to the white covers and spine with a curl to the front cover edges. Interior pages clean with … Read More

De Gemeenschap [The Community], No. 4

Dutch Literary Journal. Utrecht, Netherlands, April 1931, 47pp. Paperback, 7.25 x 9.75”. Condition: Very Good+. This progressive Catholic cultural and literary journal was published between 1925–1941 and partly responsible for introducing modernist aesthetics to Netherlands alongside well-known avant-garde journals such as De Stijl and International Review i 10. Cover design and photomontage by Piet Worm (1909-1996). Very good with light soiling to the white covers with chips and small tears with tape repair to the spine, mostly to the 1” split at the head of the … Read More

The Art-Minded Network, ART WORKS Magazine 47, volume 5, number 10, R. Buckminster Fuller Issue

The Artworks Committee, Tokyo, 1989. Paperback. Condition: Near Fine. Avant-garde esoteric Japanese artist publication limited to 150 copies. This copy numbered 44/150. Mylar folder cover with 35 loose sheets (artworks); includes a pumping rod plastic binder clip to hold the sheets together. Each artist has produced a unique, original piece of art on various paper stocks, some of which are signed and numbered – inspired by R. Buckminster Fuller. List of artists is contained. (#KC15885) $500.00

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